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The Oven Wall: Cute

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


So my whole rationale about the 'cute' thing. Not totally wrong. But kind of wrong. 

First text I get from Moozh tonight: "Look at the cute little pear guy I made." 

Totally cute pear guy. With a leaf carved right into the skin.

Then there was a fruit salad for the appie. Oranges, melon, tomatoes, and cucumber with zest. Good palate cleanser/amuse-bouche.

Apparently a raspberry vinaigrette was part of the theme for today.

So the veal was served with a raspberry vinaigrette reduction and later the dessert was poached in the same raspberry vinaigrette.

I'm so impressed by the plating that Moozh is learning. I know that we will likely learn plating once we get to advanced but I kind of wish we were focussing on presentation more now. In pastry we learn a lot of the technical stuff so maybe that's why we're not learning presentation yet. Figure it out first, THEN you can make it look pretty. 

Really though, my most stressful day is simply an exercise for someone in culinary. We will be the enigmatic pastry person huddled in a cranny in some restaurant somewhere fixing a tart tatin or something custom for dessert while everyone else in the kitchen scurries like mad people. They are preparing us for our future dynamic. 

Make something pretty and purely ornamental to go on your plate. It will make you feel like a chef. 

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